Happy Birthday!

Celebration with my favourite cake (Chocolate Indulgence from Secret Receipe) and love ones


Yeah!!!! Won one pair of tickets to the preview screening of THE JONESES (courtesy of MVP Entertainment). Winning feels so good especially days before 8th August ;) kekeke..

So happy to have chanced upon incinemas.sg and adding them to my facebook. :P

Looking forward to an enjoyable evening tomorrow =D

Free Samples

While browsing online for free diaper samples, chanced upon this website "The Sample Store" where you can apply for free samples.


Will be useful especially if you would like to try more products but didn't want to add on to the unfinished and unsuitable beauty products in your cupboard. : P


Win Free Movie Passes!

Hey everyone, check out this website to win complimentary or free movie passes!

Eversince my younger sis invited me to free movie previews (complement from company as one of their staff benefits), I am getting so addicted to freebies! Especially.. movies.. my favourite entertainment within an air-conditioned environment, great sound systems and pictures, and.. entertainment that requires no walking! .. kekeke.. .

Probably nothing new to some of you, but if you haven't signed up like me, do check it out!

Long Awaited Gathering

Finally into my 14 weeks! I really thought my world has turned topsy-turvy for the past weeks. I couldn't help but admire women who wants more children after the gg through all these morning sickness. :S

Not a fond lover of food and someone who snacks, I missed eating a "fulfilling" meal and not having to keep thinking what to eat every other hour. Gosh.. I have to turn to mum for help (for some decent dishes that my body can take without throwing up) and poor Kel has to travel in between to do the "delivery".

Last friday, the usual "morning sickness" (though it's called morning sickness, it can continue for the entire day or appears in the evening) and the lethargicness seemed to have decided to give me a break. Halfway through my noon nap, Kel informed that sister asked us out for movie and amidst the dreamland, I agreed. Hunger woke me up and only to realise that it was sister GR and not Lisa who asked me out. I had already gobbled down buns and bread and wanted to head for lunch but was stopped by Kel to wait for our friends. Thank God (!) I had the snack as the wait took longer than expected and we ended up buying a $2.50 cup corn from MacDonald to ease the hunger and accumulating.... :S The turkey bacon from Burger King tasted ESPECIALLY GREAT and that particular joy of being able to eat and taste the food is indescribable. Watched a good movie at Tiong Bahru plaza (the only place left with good seats as this show was aired only for the 2nd day) - Clash of the Titans. It was a pity that the ending seemed rather rushed but still, a value for money show. Then an unusual thirst CAME and we went in search for a drink. Continuing our evening with some shopping for our dinner, I still felt an extreme thirst and I think it was contributed by the 2nd cup of sweet corn from the theatre. Next time, I must ask for one without butter.

Nonetheless, the day ended with a nice and warm evening where old friends could finally gather for a home cook meal (http://myhobbyisnotcookingorhousework.blogspot.com/2010/04/spagetti-with-chicken-frank-15-mins.html) at BY's place.... coupled with catching up, movie and Häagen-Dazs (two boxes of them cost as much as the ingredients we bought for our dinner)....boy... I couldn't help but wonder if we will have such warm and peace again when bb tags along during our gatherings...


Cast: Sigourney Weaver, Michelle Rodriguez, Stephen Lang
Director: James Cameron
Genre: Action/ Adventure
Language: English
Release Date:17 December 2009
Running Time:161 minutes

Avatar is the story of an ex-Marine who finds himself thrust into hostilities on an alien planet filled with exotic life forms. As an Avatar, a human mind in an alien body, he finds himself torn between two worlds, in a desperate fight for his own survival and that of the indigenous people.

My thoughts:
Engaging storyline, amazing graphics and
absolutely value
for money!

Got me "glued" and wanting for more! For a moment,
two and a half hour seemed so short (can you imagine even trying to wait for 10
minutes for a bus and hoping it will take longer?)

It's definitely a
must-see show! I'm looking forward to watch
Part II (if there's going to be
any... hmmm... )

Gathering at The Theatres

Movies are one of my favourite past-time especially after long hours of work and talking :P. I've heard of people who haven't been to the theatres for more than 20 years (since marriage) and I can never comprehend how that is possible...... A great movie simply makes my day!

I also like them for the fact that good movies can be a form of great entertainment for everyone, getting everyone engaged (even after the show) without much effort from everyone. On top of that, giving everyone a common topic to chatter for the remaining hours of gathering. :)